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Earth Matters

MISR Where on Earth? Quiz 29

June 21st, 2017 by Mike Carlowicz

Each month, we try to stump you with a new EO Puzzler. If you missed the latest one, or if you just want more challenges, we have a new one from our colleagues at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The science and outreach team from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) is inviting you to become a geographical detective and solve their latest mystery quiz. But this is more than just a “where is this place?” kind of quiz. You need to know some history — natural and human — to correctly answer all of the questions. Check out the quiz — based on the image below — at

Quiz answers will be accepted on the MISR page through 4:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time on June 28.

4 Responses to “MISR Where on Earth? Quiz 29”

  1. Leonel Concha says:

    Near Derby, W.A. Australia 16°46′ S – 123°24? E

  2. Tom says:

    King Sound, Australia
    Fitzroy River sediment and algal bloom

  3. EL says:

    The question about the animals was unfair. I got it right, but there are at least 2 animals (according to what they asked in the question) that would fit the answer for the question. They should have allowed both answers. I got it right just by chance. They should have asked what NATIVE animal lives around the reef, rather than just asking what animals would be found around the reef.

  4. khushi says:

    its amazing view of earth and is it really the animal got killed in the fire. I think there must no harm to them